Team App
Team Specific App

Each team will have its own team specific app with schedules, contact info, and chat features.

Upcoming events are listed by date, games in blue.
If there is more than one player on your account, their name appears in a black box with the event.
Once the event has begun, it is transferred from the UPCOMING EVENTS list to the PREVIOUS EVENTS list under 'Schedule'.
This is also where team staff contact information is listed, as well as the team roster. When a player's name is selected, their individual contact info is displayed.

The team chat feature works much in the same way as any traditional chat platform.
Notifications are set by accessing from the SETTINGS app in your phone/tablet. You must both 'allow' and have a 'persistent' banner style and/or sound to receive notifications from the Crossbar app.

The team calendar feature works much in the same way as any group calendar.
Syncing calendars. Tap the three HORIZONTAL LINES in the top, left corner. Tap FAMILY CALENDAR. Click on the CLOUD with arrow-wheel to sync.
If you already have a calendar from a previous season, it may need to be deleted before the new one will be able to sync.